The siege has devastated Gaza;
you can be part of the relief effort

The siege on Gaza has devastated its economy; more than 80% of Gaza’s population live below the poverty line, and many families struggle to afford basic commodities including food and water.

In Palestine, protracted conflict, economic stagnation and restricted trade and access to resources, coupled with high unemployment and poverty rates, continue to pose serious challenges to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 2 on zero hunger, food security and improved nutrition.   

Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, nearly one third of the population – 32.7 percent, or 1.6 million people – could not afford nutritious foodFood insecurity is high among women – 32 percent of families headed by women are food insecure – particularly in the Gaza Strip, where it is 54 percent.

Poorly diversified diets are causing overlapping nutritional problems. According to national surveys, nearly 50 percent of those assessed had very low levels of essential minerals and vitamins.

The humanitarian conditions in Gaza – where poverty and food insecurity affect 53 percent and 68.5 of the population respectively – are alarming, and follow the collapse of all productive sectors, basic social services and infrastructures. Gaza’s socioeconomic fabric is faltering due to the cumulative impact of 12 years of sea, land and air blockade. Movement restrictions associated with COVID-19 have further increased vulnerabilities.

we are in Ard Alsalam Charity with our volunteers team working on the ground as a local palestinian charity to help thousands of poor families with individual support and donations and with the support of international partner organizations that support our projects and we implement their own projects for them in accordance with recognized protocols.